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지반개량 공법의 내진성능에 관한 연구
깊은 기초에 의한 지반 특성에 관한 연구
지진격리장치를 통한 면진성능평가에 관한 연구
지진모사시험 및 동적시험을 통한 지반의 동적 특성 분석
스톤칼럼공법을 통한 지반보강에 관한 연구
항만구조물의 액상화 평가
해빙기 또는 우기시 사면붕괴로 인한 산사태에 관한 연구
해상풍력기초의 반복하중 거동평가 및 기초 동적해석 모델 연구
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Direct estimation of yield acceleration in slope stability analyses, Kim, J. and Sitar, N., Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,ASCE, 2004.01
Dynamicproperties of geosynthetic interfaces, Kim, J., Riemer, M., and Bray, J. D., Geotechnical TestingJournal,ASTM, 2005.05
Analysis of Round Robin Test on Seismic Site Response Analysis, Duhee Park, Jin Man Kim, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2012.11
Evaluation of the settlement Influece Factors of shallow Foundation by numerical Analyses, Odgerel Enkhtur, Tien Dung Nguyen, Jin Man Kim, Sung Ryul Kim, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2013.01
Probabilistic evaluation of seismically induce dpermanent deformation of slopes, Jin Man Kim, Nicholas Sitar, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013.01
Effect of anisotropic conductivity on suction and reliability of unsaturated slope exposed to uniform antecedent rainfall, Khalid Mahmood,Jeong ho Ryu, Jin Man Kim, LANDSLIDES, 2013.02
Reliability approach to slope stability analysis with spatially correlated soil properties, Jin Man Kim, Nicholas Sitar, Soils and Foundations, 2013.02
The Effect of Soil Type on Matric Suction and Stability of Unsaturated Slope under Uniform Rainfall, Khalid Mahmood, Jin Man Kim, Muhammad Ashraf, and Ziaurrehman, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2016.05
Investigation of the load-bearing capacity of suction caissons used for offshore wind turbines, Pouyan Bagheri, Su Won Son, Jin Man Kim, Applied Ocean Research, 2017.07